Morning Everyone!!
It has been feeling more and more like Spring lately here..til of course we woke up to more snow on the ground this morning ..
But thankfully there isn’t too much and it’ll melt by noon with the warm temps we’ve been getting! What are your plans for this weekend? I’ll be home – cleaning, purging and creating!! I am working hard on my Holiday Cards & More submissions (due on April 25th!) fingers crossed I can pull it off and get published again!! (One of my 2011 resolutions!)
Other than that, here are a few other random happenings in my life:
– I have a sick puppy (again). Came home to another mess in my basement yesterday and quite a few bathroom runs during the middle of the night! I’m keeping my fingers crossed he’ll be alright while I’m at work today
– There are 211 more days left til I’m a Mrs 😉
– Further to my previous comment, I’m having a little trouble with my inevitable name change in Fall – do I hyphenate my name? Or completely drop my maiden name? Hmmm
– We are having our annual family Easter Egg Hunt on the 24th again this year and I am so, so SO excited! I love our family gatherings..traditions are good for the soul!
– Since I am working on submissions for PC’s Holiday Idea book, I figured I needed to get in to the Christmas spirit so popped in my favorite holiday cd .. Adam found this rather hilarious and now I am wondering if I in fact do the love the holidays a tad too much?!
Other than that .. my life is crazy, busy and very exciting!! I am looking forward to a productive weekend and I hope you have a wonderful one yourselves!! with that, I’ll leave you with a wedding card a created last month for one of the many weddings we have coming up this summer!

Happy Crafting Everyone!