It’s finally Friday!!! Any big plans for you all? I will be staying home this weekend and packing for our vacation that is coming up in just 8 days!! the excitement is building..and we are very, very giddy!! This has been a very long week for many of us, not sure if its the weather or what..but I am so looking forward to sleeping in a little tomorrow morning!!
Not much to share with you all this morning, but here are a few of my Friday Randoms:
1) I started feeling a cold coming on last night, swollen throat and sneezing..but it didn’t progress over night, so I’m hoping that’s a good sign! I’ve been gurgling Listerine to keep the sore throat at bay..fingers crossed!
2) Adam is finishing pouring concrete in the dome home today..when he’s done today he will have officially poured 320 yards of concrete!! That’s a lotta mud people!
3) I bought the book, “The Handmade Marketplace” at Michaels this week and I am soaking it up like a sponge! It is lighting a spark in me that I worried was lost forever..I am so excited by all the ideas swirling in my head now!
4) I want to craft full-time but have no idea if I have what it takes to make my dreams a reality..motivation is hard to come by for me lately..
5) I wake up every morning blessed that I met “The One”..I didn’t think he existed, I thought it was a myth..but he does and he’s mine and I’m giddy every day that I get to spend my life with him!
6) I’m ready for Spring..I need to look out my window and see green grass and beautiful flowers..I’m over this snow and dead stuff
And with that, I leave you a Spring fresh cute!!