Happy Friday Everyone!!
We are being bombarded by snow this week..it just won’t go away! I hope to sneak out and take some photo’s of all the white stuff..but until then, you’ll just have to take my word for it! I usually plan on heading to the farm on Friday’s, but due to the weather I think its best if I stay home and off the roads. So I will be busy visiting with my family and friends, cleaning my house, scrapbooking, making cards for my tradeshow in a couple of months and watching movies with Jakey

This has been a strange and very long week for me..in fact, this card I made on Monday describes me to a “T” about how I was this week!

Yep, just hand over the chocolate..and no one gets hurt. That’s me alright! Work was emotionally draining and stressful and took a huge toll on me, but I made it through and I’m excited to move on

So, a few randoms for the day:
– I wish I could take the afternoon off for a “Snow Day”, I’d cuddle up with some popcorn and pop in “Pride and Prejudice” with Kiera Knightley..my all time favorite Jane Austen movie to date!
– I am really, really bummed that I won’t see Adam for another week
– I have big plans for Tailored Sentiments in 2011..its actually keeping me up at night, excited with the possibilities that exist! I can’t wait to start sharing these ideas with you!
– My bestie has her ultrasound next Thursday and I get to see my new niece/nephew for the first time!!
– I’m so excited about scrapbooking this year..but have only done my title page so far! So many ideas and no idea how to put them to work
– There is just 22 days til we leave for California..and I’d bet that its going to be a life changing vacation for us 😉
– I’ll be 27 in twenty-one days, and it doesn’t bother me at all! I’m actually looking forward to it!
– I google the Weather Network daily to see what the temps are like in San Fran and LA..somehow knowing that its +28 C there makes my -18 C world feel warmer..
So much “stuff” going on in my life right now..I just love it!! Have a great weekend everyone, I know we are all getting hammered by the weather..stay home if you can, stay warm and happy crafting to you all!!