While I admit taking over a large established yard with mature trees, established flower beds and acres of grass may be a bit much for a new mom with a 4 month old, I am definitely up for the task! I have been dreaming about taking over this yard for 4 years and now that its mine? I am excited to make my ideas and dreams a reality. It will take quite some time before I get it to look how I have always envisioned it to be but I have been having so much fun getting my hands dirty again and putting in some much needed elbow grease to fix this old farmhouse up!

Our home was built in the early 60’s and my inlaws took it over in the late 80’s. While they did do some work to it, they have been focusing their attention on their new dome home across the way, so now that its ours? We get to play as much (or little!) as we like!
Currently I am working on cleaning up the beds from last years’ foliage, weeding and deciphering what is what, creating a new bed, ordering bulbs and writing down perennials that I would like to invest in next month. I have all the vegetable seeds purchased, seed potatoes and garlic/onions started..now I just need a string of a few nice days here and we’ll be golden!
The plot that I will be building my dream vegetable garden has been left empty over the years and therefore needs a major overhaul of fresh dirt, compost and TLC. This Summer we will be working on building up the area, getting water to it and even (hopefully) some electricity. I have ordered 60 strawberry bushes and 20 raspberry canes to come any day now that will be started in the garden (jam, anyone?) So while I won’t be working with another huge veggie patch this year, I will still be planting everything we can eat in any available bed space I can find!

Fruits & Vegetables I will be growing this year include: green & yellow pole beans, Eggplant, Bell Peppers, Potatoes, Sweet Corn, Strawberries, Pumpkins, Tomatoes, Bush Beans, Carrots, Radishes, Peas (Shell and Snap), Onion (green & yellow), Herbs, Swiss Chard, Lettuces, Watermelon, Zucchini, Baby Bok Choy, Beets & Cucumbers

Of course I will be planting a TON of flowers this year as well, including my love..the Zinnia..