Last summer was my first in my new home and I was bound and determined to slowly but surely turn it in to my beloved, an English Cottage garden! I worked tirelessly researching the right plants and watching my yard for shady and sunny spots, weeding, planting, staking…it never ended! And I loved every minute of it!
Now with Spring on the horizon, a gardener’s thoughts turn to the outdoors and visions of peonies dance in our heads…I’m so excited to see what has survived this brutal winter of ours! My tulips are now a good 2.5″ up from the ground in my backyard..and my lilacs are in full bud..I will be checking in on the rest of my “brood” in the week to come, but right now we are under a wind/rain warning so I think I’ll leave that task for a few more days! And since this will be my last summer gardening at this house (its bittersweet), I have plans to lovingly care for all the plantings I researched and bought just one Spring ago (seems so soon to give them up!) I’ll add a few sprinkles of plant seeds in the back, just for good measure!
now that its Spring, what are you anxious for?