Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians!!
Today is the first beautiful Fall Sunday we have had and it fits perfectly with our Canadian Thanksgiving. The air is cool & crisp, the sun is shining golden thru the beauitfully tinged leaves of the trees and the smell of turkey is in the air…yum!!

There are so many reasons to be thankful this year. Even though I have been battling the flu the last few days, I am still so grateful for everything that has been going on in my life.
I am thankful:
– for my amazing family. I don’t get to see them that often anymore now that I’ve moved, but they are so amazing in every way
-for my soon to be husband, Adam. Words could not possibly describe our relationship or how I feel about it. He is my everything and to this day I still cannot believe I get to marry him (in 27 days!!!!)
-for my friends..they mean the world to me and I don’t think I’d survive without their friendship
-my partner in crime, Jakey..that dog is the star of my life…I just love him so much!!
– for the ability to quit my job and focus on building the business I have always dreamed of
-that in 27 days, I will be one half of such a magical day. I’ve been given the opportunity to plan the wedding of my dreams..and what girl wouldn’t be grateful for that?
-that I have a love of this crafting industry that inspires so many people around the world. Paper crafting is a huge part of who I am and I have no idea who I would be without it!
-for all of you..you inspire me and I am always so grateful that you could take time out of your own lives to check in on mine..thank you!!
I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday, Thanksgiving or not! Take care everyone and Happy Crafting!