Yesterday we were hit with a whopper of a winter storm! The winds howled all night, then it poured and then it snowed..a horrible, blizzarding mess!! So much for Spring I guess But, since I didn’t venture out much yesterday, I did get a lot of work done off my To Do list…and one of those things was some massive upkeep on this here blog.

Upon your arrival here I am sure you will have noticed that the look and feel of the blog has changed…a lot! I have been thinking about what I wanted to do here for months now and I have to tell you, I put a lot of thought in to every change!! When I first started this blog in 2009 I thought I wanted to share my cards and paper crafts and so I set this blog up specifically for that reason. And then I found throughout the years that I had more to say, more to share and more interests I wanted to write about but I kept telling myself that I couldn’t have a blog that encompassed everything, who would want to read that? Gardening? Personal? Crafting? I don’t know why but it seemed unlikely to me at the time that I could have just one blog that held everything I loved together in one little set up.
But time goes on, people change…they grow and they evolve. And that is exactly what my blog has done now too. Its still just little ‘ol me sitting here, placing my thoughts out in to the world for whomever to read. But now this blog is truly a representation of me, all of me. I have a lot of exciting blog posts scheduled and dreamt up for you and I hope you will stick around! I will still share my cards and layouts on here as well as goodies I’ve baked, veggies & flowers I’ve grown, general farm life and personal anecdotes that I’m sure will amuse you.
So sit down, cuddle up and enjoy my small corner of the world as I share with you my little life in the country!! Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!