Today my momma turns 54!!
The photo above was (obviously) taken at her 50th birthday bash we held for her 4 years ago. No, she doesn’t always walk around with feather boas on either, this was a special occasion 😉
I just wanted to take a moment to wish this amazing woman a very happy birthday. Her courage and strength continue to amaze me this year as she has shown us what its like to prevail thru the darkest hours in life. She’s still living her life, surrounding herself with friends and family, laughing, enjoying…revelling…

My momma is a beautiful person, inside and out and I think she deserves to be told that every single day. Now that I’m older, I can appreciate and admire her for so many of her amazing attributes. I enjoy talking to her as a friend, not just as a parent and I value her opinions which, trust me..is a far cry from just a few years ago 😉

So happy, happy birthday momma…I love you and wish you nothing but an outstanding day!!!

Lynette - Such a beautiful tribute Dawn.
dawn - I love when you do these posts!!
Happy Birthday to your mom!! She is amazing and it shows in you Dawn!! Such a great first picture of her that is, how fun for her big day!
My birthday is one month from today and Rich turns 50 one month from tomorrow. I wonder if he’d like to wear feathers, tiara, haha. I’m still thinking of what to do for his big day.
Hugs for both of you awesome ladies!!