Hey everyone!!
I can’t believe its Halloween already, seriously! Where do the days go? I have been busily working on a fun new project that I will reveal tomorrow and it seems like the spooky holiday of all hallows eve just kind of snuck up on me! When I lived/worked in the city, I really quite enjoyed Halloween. We dressed up every year and I would throw a potluck lunch that would take me all morning to decorate for and, I loved it! It was so fun! For me, Halloween as an adult gives you one day to pretend you are a kid again, you can dress up and be anyone you want to be! But, being out at the farm? Not so much. Its just another day around here, working on the dome, taking care of the chickens, and absolutely not one trick or treater will be coming to my door tonight {insert sad face here}, I miss it. But, because its not like me to sit and mope when I can still have some sort of a holiday to celebrate, I decided to make the most of it!
Tonight my little man will be doing some trick or treating of his own, yup, my Jakey will be dressing up in his oh so favorite costume, Lil Stinker and will be heading over to grandma and grandpas to see if you can stir up a little bone, er, treat 😉 Ain’t he cute?

And then we will be lighting our pumpkins up out on the deck for all passersby to see. We don’t have major traffic on the highway, but anyone who does drive by will be sure to see them!! We spent the night last night watching, “Hocus Pocus” and carving our pumpkins together..so fun! I love how they turned out!