Happy Monday everyone!!
How was your weekend? Mine was quiet, cozy, crafty and for the most part, uber-relaxing!! Of course this is all after Friday night, which, if you read Friday’s post was rated among the most nerve-racking days of my life so far! Friday night was my first wedding as the photographer…I say “the photographer” because I was the only one shooting & the only one responsible for capturing every precious moment of the special day between two complete strangers to me and a room full of no one I knew..yeah, it was nerve-racking and I made myself almost sick thinking about it! But after work I slipped into more comfortable “photographer” clothes, drove myself over to the reception hall and started snapping pictures..and the more I snapped, the more calm I became! I am proud of myself for getting through it and now, looking back I can say its pretty darn cool to think I was a photographer for someone’s wedding..and I know it won’t be my last 😉 I remember stopping in between formals and thinking to myself…”this is so cool!”, “this is so much fun, I can’t believe I am getting paid to do this”, I loved it! All I want to do now is keep practicing, learn more, research more..get really, really good. Here’s a couple of my favorites so far, I had taken over 600 photos in just over 4 hours so to say I have a lot of work ahead of me wouldn’t be stretching the truth..but again, its so much fun!!
Okay this one..is seriously my favorite of the night, so beautiful!!