While Americans celebrate their Thanksgiving in late November, the holiday has always landed in early October for us Canadians..and today is the day!! Growing up, I always saw ads/commercials for American thanksgivings and was always jealous at how celebrated it is there. Here, in Canada, we do the celebratory dinner complete with turkey and all the fixins, but it just seems to really hit home way more South of the border!! I have always dreamed of hosting my own Thanksgiving dinner, having family & friends at my dinner table and, once we get in to our farmhouse and settled in, I really hope we can do so! I think it would be so nice to plan the meal, shop for all the requirements and prep the food, just like my mom and grandma did for us growing up..I think its time to take over & return the favor 😉

I have loved the above Norman Rockwell photo for years. It symbolizes what Thanksgiving and life is really all about, family. To be blessed with a loving family that you can sit around a table full of delicious food and laugh and share stories is what it really is all about, isn’t it?!!
Now that I am married, live in the country and have this romantic view of our farm life, I truly feel holidays will be that much more if I can get everyone together here at our farm for fun filled weekends full of laughter, food and tall tales. Theres just something about living on a farm, I can’t explain it!! In fact, I have already requested a dinner bell off our front porch to ring and call in the family whenever dinner is on the table..how fun would that be?
this was taken this past Summer at the farmhouse in Heritage Park, LOVED this dinner bell 😉
Now, truth be told, I have never made a turkey before. I mean, I helped mom a few times here and there but never have I made one from scratch on my own! Sure, I’ve roasted chickens before..but only recently. And yes, you can guarantee I’d still want my mom in the kitchen with me if they were to come to the farm for Thanksgiving, but thats all part of the fun!!
So today, if you are Canadian..I hope you put on your cutest aprons and enjoy the day with your family! I can smell the turkey already…Mmmm, Happy Thanksgiving Y’all!!
dawn - Happy belated Thanksgiving!!! This is my favorite holiday of all, can’t wait till ours in November. I loved reading this and hearing the excitment for this big day. Some people are nervous and dread the cooking they have to do, not you though.
I’ve never cooked a turkey either, my sweet hubby cooks almost all our dinner. He gets up early and puts the bird in and comes back to bed. We use to just eat dinner at my moms and take home leftovers. That just wasn’t enough for us so now we make our own dinner and go to my moms too.
The only things I do is make devield eggs, bake beans, cranberry sauce from the can and the pie. It’s making my mouth water just writing this. CAN’T WAIT!!!
I can see you cooking your own dinner one day and ringing the dinner bell, those are cool.
Oh and we love love the leftovers for the next 3 days it’s all we eat, lol.