So I realize its a few days past wishing everyone a Happy New Year, but I’ve just come back from holidays and getting settled is much harder than I thought it would be! The tree is still up and my house is a mess from Christmas..and in truth, its so overwhelming, I just don’t know where to begin! But, today after work I resolve to begin tackling my room at a time until eventually it actually looks like a human being dwells in it again
How were your holidays? Mine were fabulous and very, very busy! I haven’t done that much driving…EVER! Christmas Eve and morning were spent with my family, then that afternoon we drove out to the farm..where we stayed til the 28th, then we came home to visit with a cousin of mine that I hadn’t seen in 7 years, then on the 29th we drove down to Great Falls Montana in possibly the worst driving weather ever and since we were headed for the mountains, we spent a night in the city in possibly the worst hotel room ever! On the 30th we proceeded to drive through the mountains to our cabin..where the scenery was like this:

Isn’t it beautiful? We woke up the morning of the 31st and went for a hike to some waterfalls and we ended up spending two and a half hours enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery..I felt invigorated after this! Because this was a pretty quiet corner of the State, most of the snow was left untouched and I hadn’t seen this much beauty in a long time..Montana definitely left an impression on me 😉
Now its a whole new year and although I usually try to make resolutions, I never end up keeping them anyways. So this year, I have set goals for myself..(one being more scrapbooking!!) and I will keep track of them to see how I do over the year. One such goal was using the treadmill regularly once again..I did so good in 2009 and lost a fair amount, only to have let it go through the Falls months in 2010 now, its a new year and I will start all over again!! Wish me luck!
Also, I am officially on countdown for our roadtrip to California next month!! One month today I will turn 27 and one month from tomorrow we are headed to the Golden Coast! I’m so excited!!! 2011 is going to be amazing, I can just feel it!