Ahh, sweet Autumn. My favorite time of the year! The sights, the smells, the colours, the change that occurs all around us. The sweaters, the hot drinks to warm our tingly fingers, the crisp morning air, the crunch of leaves underfoot..Autumn, I have been waiting for you!

Its no secret that a huge perk of being Canadian is the drastic change in seasons that we are priviledged to witness. Sure the snow that follows Autumn isn’t always wanted ( I LOVE snow from November to February, but then I’m done with it and it can go away any time) but Sept/Oct is the time of year I look forward to most every year! October is my 2nd favorite month, December being my 1st of course 😉
Every morning I wake up, feed Jakey and my chickens and then we get out and enjoy our 2 mile walk (I’ve been walking 2 miles again every day!) and I can’t help but revel in the crispness thats in the air, the crunch of the leaves under my feet and the sweet smell in the air, it just makes me giddy
As the leaves around our farm have been slowly changing the last 2 weeks, I have been taking leisurely strolls around the yard, taking photos of all the beauty that surrounds us..I cannot wait to get these in to my Project Life album!!

every day I walk past this old car in a field and I was so glad I had my phone with me to snap this photo, it turned out so pretty!!

pretty trees, all in a row!

I recently harvested all my pumpkins, ain’t they purdy??


the boys on one of our strolls

I just look at these photos and think, I’m so lucky to live here! Its just gorgeous this year!
And, of course, Fall just isn’t Fall without a little interior decor, now is it? I decorated our home last week and changed it in to a Fall/Halloween filled space and I’m so happy with the results, heres a little peek at this years decor

Have you decorated your home yet? I’d love to see it!! Link up in the comments below and I’ll be sure to stop by and take a peek!! Have a wonderfully cool & crisp Tuesday everyone!!
Lynette - I LOVE your fall photos. In South Africa the temps between winter and summer aren’t drastic…so we don’t see such beautiful fall leaves as you do.
Dawn Cosgrove - Hello my friend! I have missed seeing you around here!! I always feel so bad for people who don’t get to experience a beautiful Fall, it truly is a gift that everyone deserves to have a least once in their lives!! Autumn is by far my favourite season of the year, even if just because of the leaves changing 😉
I hope you are doing well!!
dawn - WOW WOW WOW, these are gorgeous pictures. How lucky for you to see this everyday. STUNNING!!! I didn’t know your area changed so fast, our leaves are turning but stil more to go. I’m hoping to get out and get more pictures soon, the weather has finally been in the 70’s and it’s perfect outside.
Fall is my favorite too, I could almost live with only fall all year but that first snow is so magical. Just seeing your pictures makes me want to be there walking with you, the yellow and gold is so pretty!!
How cute your decorations are, still need to get mine out. Was hoping to make my own this year but it’s not working out that way.
Thanks so much for sharing these, made me SMILE!!