Today my maternal grandparents celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary, an amazing feat to be sure! Especially in this day and age of 72 day marriages and a divorce rate hovering around 50%, having an anniversary such as theirs is scarily rare! But they have done it and I am so honored to have been able to witness their celebration yesterday!

I grew up in an ideal situation. My family lived in a city brimming with family from one end of town to the other. Both sets of grandparents lived there, aunts, uncles, name it! I got to grow up surrounded by family {yet another reason it means so much to me!} and the time I spent with my grandparents meant the world to me. My grandma and grandpa Petrick passed away many years ago, when I was a teenager, so my maternal grandparents have been my elderly role models ever since. They are old school, down to earth people. They have come a long way in their lives, living in a farmhouse when they first were married with no insulation and an outhouse to today – a warm, inviting house full of laughter, love, curling and soap operas on tv {hehe}

My first job was working with my grandparents at their lawn cutting business, it was a great summer job for my brother and I and we learned a lot about keeping money, cutting grass, why you should never get mower blades too close to underground sprinkler heads {sorry grandpa} and spending time with your family. I remember having hours of conversations with my grandparents about everything under the sun. They taught me what it meant to be a green thumb and I appreciate having them with me all these years.

Of course, time and age are starting to set in. My grandpa turns 84 this year and my grandma has been battling joint aches and her health has slowly started to deteriorate. Its hard to see them in this stage of their lives but they are still happy and are always trying to defy their age..proving it really is just a number!

Today is truly a reminder of what is important in life and what isn’t. Not everything will be perfect. Marriage is hard & thats okay..its worth the fight! As for me, I have recently celebrated my 8 month wedding anniversary..I far cry from 60 years but let me tell you..we’re gonna make it to that number, God willing..just like granny & gramps did! Happy 60th Anniversary grandma & grandpa!! Love you lots!!
dawn - What a sweet post this is, love these kinda stories. It is rare to hear of couples married for this long now. I’m so happy that you got to grow up with this loving family and good memories from your grandparents. I think you and hubby will do great at being married for a long time. Enjoy your week!!