as many of you may recall, back in October my little family made a road trip down to Washington for me to attend a Wildflowers Workshop with none other than *the* Joy Prouty. Her talents have blown me away for years now and it was a complete honour to sit in her living room with a dozen other women, all who inspired me in so many ways. I haven’t written anything about those days I spent there, and I don’t know if its because I just don’t really have the words to describe my experience or if its because what happened there was so incredible that I just want to keep it as an experience all for myself..
What I *do* know, however, is that those women I met on October 1, 2014..I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Women, Moms, Photographers, Entrepreneurs…I sat next to them and listened to their stories and their heartbreaks as well as their victories.. and they listened to mine. and for the first time in a long time, I believed in the beauty of people again.
I spent 2 whole days away from my duties as a wife and a mother and just focused on what I It was eye opening, heart wrenching and just plain good for the soul. The beauty that surrounds Joy’s homestead was like a wave of inspiration, everywhere you looked was a spot begging to be snuggled with or even made me think so much about our own farm and what I want to have it become. But more made me question myself and my art. What I wanted to do with this gift and how I wanted to tell my stories and those who come before my lens…seriously powerful stuff came out of it.
those questions and those conversations and experiences are sitting with me, stirring up something beautiful in my heart and I plan to carry it with me into the new year and see where it grows. But for now, I will take you to the magical dahlia patch that Joy took us to. It was her secret location and we picked dahlias, took photos, laughed, hugged and said our goodbyes. We wiped tears away as we said we’d keep in touch (and we have!) and I honestly cannot wait to see these women again soon and give them a big hug..
So here is a small peek, from Washington with love..

{note to self: grow more DAHLIAS in 2015!!}