Its the most wonderful time of the year…
Its here! Its here! December 1st is just around the corner..and its the most wonderful time of the year! I’m so excited!! I have so many blessings to be thankful for and much to look forward to..I can’t wait to take in all that the season brings!
I have also vowed to actually complete my journal this year, which, if you remember at all, last year went about as far as …. well, thats about it! If you haven’t heard of the unique month long class, Journal Your Christmas, then you need to check it out. Sign up once and you are free to join in for the rest of your life! Beginning tomorrow, December 1st you will receive a prompt in your inbox with helpful photography tips, journal ideas..the works! I picked up my album last night and have already been busy taking my holiday photo’s …
Okay, not that I’m bragging..but, “hello, beautiful Christmas tree!!” hehe..sorry, couldn’t help it, I am very proud of myself for this one 😉
Anyways..the motivation is huge, the photo’s have already been started and I’m feeling the love for my 2010 Christmas Journal!! What are your plans for recording the holidays?!? I’ll be back soon with pages from my journal..happy crafting everyone!!