As mentioned previously, the lilacs in our yard have finally started to bloom. And what a beautiful sight they are to behold! Their scent fills every walk we take with memories of childhood, grandmas and everything in between. The other day, I grabbed my camera and headed out in to the tree rows to snap a few shots of these beauties..hope you enjoy them!

Of course my Jakey was right beside me every step I took. When he wasn’t chasing bumblebees he would walk alongside and watch me with every cut I made. He truly is my little baby..

I truly lucked out when this little guy decided to drop in on a flower I was shooting!!

After I filled my watering can with as many blooms as I could, I took this shot then set it outside my door. Doesn’t the colors just represent English Cottage to you? Love it!!
Looking at this post, I can just smell lilacs..and I hope you can to!! I hope you have a fantastic day today, wherever you may be. And if you see a lilac on your travels, make sure to take in as much of its scent as you possibly can for they don’t last near as long as they should!