Happy May Day everyone!! If I could, I’d send you all a basket of flowers but I can’t. So I hope this will do!! I have been looking forward to May for quite some time now. This winter has overstayed its welcome and was definitely not very nice to our family..so I’m throwing open the windows and doors and welcoming in the fresh May breeze with open arms!!
I am keeping myself busy and occupied in the garden lately and with my chickens and I’m feeling so grateful for these things in my life that keep me moving forward. May is going to be a busy month for me and I’m looking forward to it. And I will be planting a lot more zinnias like those in the photo above because, as you can see, last year they were very good to me 😉 Zinnias were the flowers my sweet Daddio and I used to plant together every Spring so they have a very special meaning behind them to me. I am thinking of dedicating a space in my garden for my Daddio that will be filled with zinnias, a little memorial garden if you will, that I will tend to often and speak to him daily. I’m really looking forward to it!
So bring on May..because I for one am DEFINITELY ready!!
dawn - HAPPY MAY DAY DAWN!! I too am so happy it’s here and so ready to put winter behind us. Today was like a summer day, all the windows open and shorts on. This good weather really made me happy and just felt so good. We are all tired and little grumpy with this long winter and cold so the big change in weather this week has really made us more happier and thankful.
LOVE your flowers, how sweet to do this and think of your dad. He will love looking down at the beauty in your yard.
I’m wishing hard for spring/summer weather to come your way VERY SOON!!
This just might be the summer I finally go and do more in Rich’s garden, like I’ve said before it’s usually not my thing. To be with my hubby more means being where he spends a lot of time during the summer, THE GARDEN. It was nice helping him yesterday and I thought of you and all you do for your farmer and how you enjoy it so much. You’ve inspired me to spend more time there helping and enjoying the results right along side Rich. I might even bring a chair out there and sketch the garden while he’s working in it, that will bring us together too.
Thanks Dawn, so love reading about your farm life, may we both have an AWESOME SUMMER!!