This morning Hudson had me up at the crack of dawn, which didn’t bother me too much as it was looking to be a beautiful start to the day! This coming weekend is calling for nothing but clouds and rain so I want to take in as much of the outdoors today as possible! Mid-morning I was able to put Hudson down for his first nap of the day, then immediately proceeded out to the garden to prune back last years twigs, gather up branches and garbage, plant lettuce and admire the beautiful morning light.

One of the things I love most about being in the garden is the sense of calm I always feel. Getting my hands in the dirt has always been my refuge from this crazy world we live in. Listening to the songbirds while the most beautiful light shone all around me was truly what my heart needed today
With this being my first year owning this yard, I am slowly introducing myself to the established perennials and shrubbery that my mother in law generously planted herself all these years she has been living here. Watching them burst forth thru the ground is truly an honour that only a gardener could possibly understand

I got to work cleaning up my new yard

and I cut down more branches than I probably should have

But I did it with love and I did it because I could. And I enjoyed that hour alone in the garden this morning more than you could ever know. When Hudson woke up, I brought him outside with me and we sat on the grass, looking up at all the new greenery on the trees, we collected fresh eggs and we sat on the swing, rocking back and forth until his eyes told me he was ready for another turn in his crib.
This is going to be a beautiful Summer my friends..I can feel it in my bones..