Hi friends,
There are so many words, so many thoughts and so many memories I would like to sit down and write about – but its only going to come with time. For now, I just wanted to pop in to this sad, abandoned blog and let you all know that on last Sunday – February 3, 2013 – my sweet Daddio passed away. I haven’t wrapped my head around it all and it definitely hasn’t sunk in and hit me..but he is in peace now, in heaven, watching over us.
He went fast – it was a blessing to no longer suffer – but for those left behind, it left us heartbroken. We are doing alright, we are a close family and we will get through it..its just going to take time. My mom and dad have been married for 34 years and my dad was just 55 years old..its a hard pill to swallow. There is now a huge hole in our hearts and in our family & It will never be fixed, it will never go away…
I’d like to thank all of you for your thoughts, comments and emails these past few months. Your support has been so very appreciated. I will be back soon once I can process things a little bit better, I have an urge to write everything down lately and I’m hoping my blog will benefit from it here in the next few weeks. I am looking forward to some sort of normalcy again..I know it will come, it’s just going to take time..

Glenda J - Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. Sending my thoughts and best wishes to you and your family. Take care.
Dawn Cosgrove - Thank you Glenda – its definitely hit us hard and is only now sinking in he’s never coming home. also, I appreciate you sticking around here when it’s been so quiet..I’ll resume blogging soon and hope to get some sort of normalcy again soon. Take care!
dawn - Dawn, I’m so sorry again for this loss. Take the time you need, we will be here waiting for you. Even in these words there is positive and strength in them, you and your mom will get thru this together and in your own time. Sending daily prayers and hugs for all of you. Keep writing Dawn, it will help you now and again later when needed.
Melissa - So sad to hear this news. Take care of yourself and your family now, your friends and readers will be here when you’re ready to come back.
Lynette - Oh my friend. How terribly sad. Sending lots of prayers and a truck load of love your way.