I know…I can’t believe it myself either..I’m actually posting a scrapbooking layout!! ON TIME!! Its insane, its a miracle..its, well..its Christmas time 😉 If you have read my earlier blog posts you will know that I am taking part this year in Shimelle’s “Journal Your Christmas”, a fabulous online course that helps you focus on what’s truly important this time of year! Yesterday, being December 1st was naturally, the first day for entries. Day 1 was all about creating a manifesto.. and here is what is now sitting pretty in my little album:

Whenever I actually do some kind of scrapbooking, I always end up doing a 12 x 12 album, therefore, nothing has changed with this one either
I’ve also decided that although I will follow the prompt topics, I will also include anything else I find relevant about my month as I go along..this is, afterall all about my own personal experience with Christmas 2010!

Just a couple if little close-ups of my page..I’m really in love with the “clustered” look that iIve seen on the pages of my scrapbookers I adore, so tried my hand at it..I’ll get better at it too as I go along
And no, Adam would not be surprised to see that I found many ways to add glitter to my page!! Snuck it in with the pointsettia image, the “Joy” sticker as well as added some red gemstones to the centre of my flower, just because I could! 😉

Alright folks, todays’ page is all about wintry weather and I’ve got my journalling already completed, my images I just shot on Monday all printed and ready to go..can’t wait to scrapbook them tonight and (hopefully) share my Page #2 with you tomorrow!! Have a great Thursday everyone..Happy Crafting!