Alrighty, my JYC page for Day 2 was completed last night and I must say I am loving it! I will add it to my lil bloggy here this weekend once I get a chance to photograph it! You see, I’m photographing my very first wedding tonight and to say that I’m a little distracted and freaking out would be a slight understatement! The blushing bride and groom were introduced to me thru common friends and before I knew it, I had my first wedding gig booked! Now, I’ve been shooting cameras for years..but being someones’ actual photographer?! This is fairly new..I’m very excited for this experience, but so nervous that I won’t live up to my standards I’ve set for myself…keep your fingers crossed for me, please?!
Other than that I will be home this weekend, scrapbooking, making cards for my cousins’ store and addressing the envelopes for this years’ Christmas cards which I just received this morning from Mr. Postman (I love you Mr. Postman!)
And since I have no photo to share with you just yet, I found this one from Urbanic’s blog and it just made me happy…oh how I love you pretty papers and ribbons!