So I am still working away on my August Photo Challenge..but my SD card became corrupted over the weekend and all…my…photos…LOST! I’m trying to run recovery on them, but so far: no dice
But I’ll keep working away..I have so many memories in those photos I took..I really hope they aren’t gone for good!

BUT, without further are Days 5,6 & 7:

Day 5, Someone I Love was fiance!! I took this photo this past weekend {one of only a few that survived} in a wild sunflower field…my personal heaven 😉
Day 6: Childhood Memory

Childhood Memory = Ladybugs! I would spend hours as a child collecting this sweet little insects..wanting to have my very own ladybug as a pet {unfortunately they never did live long enough}
Day 7: Something New

Something New: My Vintage Pearl necklace that Adam surprised me with!! *sigh*
Alright..I’m off to continue playing catch up..wish me luck!