I am so far behind with Project Life already – it makes me sad. I cannot wait to get back in to a normal routine at the farm then clean and organize my studio so I can sit down and play catch up with everything. 2013 has definitely started off horribly with the loss of my dad but I know I want to document it all – it will be a real treasure to look back on thru the years, especially for my future babies when they want to know more about their grandpa in heaven.
I managed to complete Week 2 of my Project Life album when I was home with a cold in January and have had the photos of it on my computer but never got to posting them – til now! So bear with me..I’m trying to get caught up as I’m currently about 14 weeks behind, so posts will be random and weeks will definitely not be in order!!
Week 2 – gosh seems like such a long time ago already! Hard to remember the week but so thankful for this project, just looking at the photos, I’m instantly brought back to January and this week in particular..
Above is the left side of the week, which was the week I came home to the farm from being in the city with my Daddio due to a sore throat and all around just feeling ill. The stress of Dad’s situation finally took its toll on my body and I felt absolutely horrible that I wasn’t strong enough. I came home to rest but also so that dad could come home for his day passes without worrying about catching a sore throat on top of everything else. I settled in with lots of tea and homemade soups and revelled in my time just being still. This was also the week I received my “I Wear Blue for My Dad” colon cancer awareness sweater in the mail. I took those series of photos and sent them to my dad and it sure made him smile

This is the right hand side of the page – full of snow, construction, crab legs and of course, this was the week I lost my sweet Dharma. She was such a sweetheart! I love seeing these photos of our crab leg night that we had with my inlaws, so yummy!!
Just a few close ups..please double click to enlarge if you’d like!
And that was Week 2, in the books! So glad I’m still working on this project and not letting the fact that I’m so far behind get me down. Can’t wait to get more weeks under my belt!!
dawn - Hello!! I rememnber this week too, that blue sweatshirt and you being sick and poor Dharma, that was a rough week for you. Love the photos and seeing the different way you journaled in this week pages. Cute collage of you and I bet it did make your dad happy seeing them. Glad to see Adam in there too and those sweet dogs! WOW, look at that snow!!
Good job having this week done and getting more done when you can. Just keep it fun and YES YES YES you will LOOOOVE looking back at this one day yourself and with your little ones one day.
Hope your having a good day! I’m doing ok and excited about the Taylor Swift concert tonight with the girls, YIPPEE!!
Slowly catching up on my PL pages too!