Week 22 is in the books!! No, I am not caught up {not even close} but since I’m so far behind and just choosing weeks at random to complete, I figured this past week was as good as anywhere to begin! Last week was a very full week, nothing truly out of the ordinary but I have 3 inserts along with my main pages!! The inserts I chose focus on us opening up the cabin, the construction going on in the dome home, my chicken Eleanor, my niece’s 1st birthday party and a beautiful evening in the meadow with my hubby.
So, lets get started! Here is the full main spread:

Because we had snow last week {who gets snow at the end of May?!?} I had to make a photo of it the title page for this week, then I included photos of how muddy my garden ended up being..it was devasting but I am happy to report that most of my garden survived!!

On the right hand side is a mish mash of photos taken throughout the week. I stole a shot of my baby, Jake, sleeping on the porch and just because I love it as much as I do, I included it in my spread. I also included random shots taken throughout with the week that I loved and ended it with a photo of my niece and I at her first birthday party.

The first insert is all about Adam & I opening up the cabin. Its a tradition I love because it signals the beginning of summer {and triggers a flood of childhood memories} and so I felt it was very important to include it in the album.

On the backside of Insert 1 I included photos of all the construction work that went on during that week as well as wrote a little blurb about my feelings on the construction, etc. I am so happy it is underway but I have to be honest, it can ber very overwhelming and frustrating and, again, I wanted to make note of that because I want to be able to look back at this album years down the line and remember what life was truly like for us during this time!

Insert 2 is really just two 8×8 photos of chickens..lol. The first one is of Eleanor sitting on my shoulder and the backside is Eleanors first big adventure outside..because it all happened last week, it went in to the album!

Insert 3..my youngest niece turns 1 on June 7th and her birthday party was this past weekend. I drove home just for the party and I am so glad I did. The shots I was able to grab were fantastic and truly something I’ll want to keep forever. I know that this is NOT the last of these photos, I think I will be doing some traditional layouts with these photos as well

On the reverse side of this insert, I included a bunch of photos from Saturday night, when I got home from my nieces party. I jumped in the sprayer with Adam and rode around for a couple of hours and in that time period we saw the most amazing rainbow and came across a beautiful meadow with a pond that shimmered in the setting sun, so we stopped, took photos and they went right in to this album!

dawn - I’m so excited to see more of your PL pages, they are so happy and full of REAL LIFE!! Your niece is soooo cute, first bday’s are always the best. So happy that you went home and got to capture this special time with her.
What a gorgeous rainbow that is, how lucky for both of you to be there and see it, so huge!! What a beautiful place you live, love all the nature around you.
You will love looking back at this week and all the fun, frustrating, magical, loving times you had. That’s what makes this album a treasure to hold onto to.
Hope your having a good day, will send sunshine and wishes for the wind to calm down for you.
Today’s the last of school and it’s cool and windy here also. Going for our tradition DQ ice cream after school today, HOORAY!!
Take care and thanks for sharing your PL pages!!