I figured since I am so far behind in PL (but still determined to get er done) I’m going to have myself a party and do weeks at random! Sound good? I chose to work on Week 5 the other day for 2 reasons:
1) Week 5 was my Birthday week {yay!}, and
2) Week 5 was the week we left for Hawaii
This week included an insert just because there were just so many pictures that I didn’t want to disclude

Let’s take a closer peek at the left hand side first

There really is no order to my photos this week, they are pretty much a jumble of the wonderful vacation we had and I didn’t want to leave any of them out! I also included a postcard we picked up in Hawaii, just because I loved it
In the “This Week” journalling card I documented what we did each day for our first week in Hawaii but in simple terms..not a lot of documentation going on this week

On the Right hand side:

On the right hand side I included photos of some of our stops or favorite scenic views as well as a photo of the farmers market and luau we went to on my birthday. In the journalling cards I went in to further detail about our week in Hawaii as well as my top 5 favorite details of the week! So fun!
The insert I included for the week was mainly photo based, minus a journalling card that was stamped with the days of the week:

The reverse side of the insert:

And that my friends is Week 5 in the books! Its such a great feeling to get these memories/photographs down and in the album. Especially now when I am so far behind on this project! But, I do have to admit, its kind of fun to go back in to the first 1/3 of the year and relish the memories again!! How are you doing with your PL albums?
studiotwo28.com - Omg! Love seeing your PL album! It SO doesn’t matter what week you’re on…just keep going. I’m about 3 weeks behind right now which is ok. My goal is to be completely caught up by the time we start traveling this summer.
Looks like you had a great time in Hawaii! Beautiful photos. I love the one with you and your birthday cake! Thanks for sharing your week. Have a great weekend. ~Jennifer
dawn - WOW, how awesome that you went to Hawaii for your birthday!! That is the one place on my wish list to visit one day!! The photos are beatuiful and you both look so happy!! Great job on these pages and I also love the one of you and your cake. I don’t think it matters where you are or what pages you want to work on, just keep doing it and enjoying it that’s what counts most!!!
Hope you had a nice weekend and that the weather has been good for you and your gardens. We had a busy but good weekend, just did a happy post on my blog.