So, so, SO happy I am getting back in to Project Life. I’m currently 5 weeks behind but thats okay, I’m still here..still going! Week 7 marked the week after we lost my sweet Daddio, dealing with the emotions that came with that as well as marked the day I left my momma to come back home to the farm. I didn’t really realize it but I hadn’t been living at the farm for almost 2 was strange getting back into normalcy here but I am loving it once again! This week I included an insert that holds the newspaper clipping for Daddio’s “card of thanks” that I wrote from our family. I’m still not sure exactly what I want to write beside the clipping so I’ve left it blank and will go back to it when I’m ready. Weeks 5 & 6 haven’t been started yet but they include Daddio’s passing and his memorial and again, I’m going to take my time with those as well.
On to Week 7!
Here is the full week spread, with the insert:
I’m really loving going thru the weeks I have completed and reminding myself of what all we’ve already gone thru this just 7 short weeks!
Here is the 2 page spread, minus the insert:
The left hand page starts with one of my favorite weekly date cards..ever. I think these wood veneer alphas came in a December Daily kit, but I’m not sure. Also the 4×6 card itself id from the Seafoam kit..
The bottom of the left side showcases a little cutie that I had the pleasure of hanging out with this week, Grayson. His mom and I go way back to the summer before grade 3 but thru the years our friendship, like many others, went thru some ups and downs. The health of my Daddio and eventually, his passing, reunited us and I can’t help but think my Daddio knew what he was doing all along 😉
and the bottom right photo was something I knew I wanted to record: all the flowers, cards, food and love we received from so many friends during this hard time. It blew us away!! I also made sure to record the hilarious incident that within one day of my Daddio passing, we received 3 hams. Now, its very much appreciated but the reason its humorous? My dad asked mom to make sure she cooked a ham after he passed so that she could feed everyone who came to visit her..that man thought of everything, let me tell you. So, once again, I’m pretty sure he had a hand in that as well!!

Off to the right hand side of the week – my uncle shared this photo with me of him and his brother, my Daddio, when Dad was still in Calgary – just after his surgery. I love it so much and I just had to include it in my album! Also included, a snapshot of mom and I before our Valentines Day movie date, a snapshot of the email Adam sent me for Valentines Day {he was at the farm and I was in the city} – he recorded himself singing a song for me and sent it to me by 4:30 am to make sure I’d wake up to it *sigh*
Daddio wanted Adam to have his guns so Saturday, after coming home from a lunch date, we went on to our deck and Adam shot off a few rounds…and absolutely loved it!
Sunday marked two weeks since Daddio passed and we spent the day quietly at the farm. On our way to the chickens, a beautiful snow was falling and Adam pulled me behind him in our little water sled..he grabbed this shot of me and I still love it to this day..
and last but not least, the insert. Very simple, very plain. I’m not sure what all I want to put on here but I’ll wait til I’m positive..for now its just this..
and at the back of the insert, I attached a photo of the snowbanks we have here at the farm. Pretty sure we’re going to want to remember this in the coming years!!
Glenda J - It all looks fantastic! Great job… glad you are getting back to some crafty therapy.
Linda - Dawn I love these pages, it’s a good idea to leave some of the journaling until it feels right to do it.
Love all the bits especially those veneers and how romantic is your husband.
Hope your week ahead is a good one.
dawn - I’m so excited to this post Dawn!! It’s making me smile and cry at the same time. I LOVE LOVE the way you talk about your family and your thoughts. You are doing so awesome my friend, keep it up one day at a time. What a beautiful smile you have too, don’t stop smiling my friend. Your dad is right there with you just remember that, in your heart and walking along side you watching.
So proud of you for doing these pages and not giving up on Project Life during this tough time, this just proves you can do it for the year and how strong you are. I’m cheering for you all the way!!
That Adam is so sweet, you are both lucky to have one another. Enjoy being back home with him. LOVE these pictures of you in the snow, should frame them for sure!
I love all that you included in your pages, it really captures it all.
Love and prayers for you!
Lynette - Hi Dawn, it is lovely to see your Project life pages. I am trusting that this will be a therapeutic process during which you will receive healing for your pain and loss.