Just a few random things today, nothing important..nothing prolific..just pure randomness:
1) I started something on Saturday that has now become a full blown obsession of mine: watching “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”. There was a full day marathon happening on the “W” Network and I started watching it and could. not. turn. it. off!! So I PVR’d it and have been watching episodes ever since!!
2) I can’t sleep at night lately..must be due to late nights this past weekend talking to Adam, editing photos and watching tv/movies. Let me tell you, this sure makes my 7:30-4 day job totally suck!
3) My best friend and I are taking her 2 year old (my niece) to watch the CPR Holiday Train tonight at the local train station. Those of you outside of Canada, or those Canadians who don’t know about this, the Canadian Pacific Railway decorates some of its cars up in twinkling holiday lights and pulls in to cities and towns across the country to raise money for local food banks. I was there 2 years ago and it was great! Once the train pulls in to town, a car door opens and musicians sing carols for the crowd while we drink hot chocolate and marvel at the lights. When I was there 2 years ago, Johnny Reid performed and I started to really love his voice!

Photo Courtesy of CP Rail
4) I’m officially getting LOTS checked off of my Christmas list lately!! I may have a few stocking stuffers left for Adam, my mom, my best friend and Adam’s parents are all I have left to buy for and I already know what I’m getting them, which is half the battle!
5) My house is a complete wreck. There are messes everywhere from the front door to my reading room and kitchen..it stresses me out! But, of course, Keeping Up With The Kardashians (Refer to point #1) is taking up much more important time in my life (oie)
6) I just found a local photographer today that I can absolutely say I want to shoot my wedding..whenever that may be 😉 since I am always the one behind the lens I thought it would be really difficult to find someone in town with a style that I loved and believed in, but I was proved wrong today when I stumbled across her site, pretty much accidently! I emailed her for pricing and info, just so I had it and now I know I want to hire her..for every photo of our future family that I do not take myself! In fact, since I’ve started this photography journey recently..I would seriously be honored to shadow this lady and learn from her..I wonder if she would take me?! Hmm..need to check that out!
And that my friends is pretty much where my head is at today! Wow, what a mess of thoughts!! Anyways, off to the Holiday Train!! Have a great evening everyone!! Happy Crafting!