I love being home at the farm. I love the peace and feeling of calm it gives me. I love being with my animals and I love, love spending my days in the garden. But my heart also yearns to travel. Its a love that was sparked in me when I first met Adam and its a fire that only seems to grow each passing day. While sure our trip across the sea to Europe and our holidays to Hawaii have been true hilights, I also carry a torch for the other kind of travel…the kind that involves cramming yourselves into your vehicle and just seeing what there is to see. Exploring the unknown…getting lost somewhere completely unexpected..

We have taken quite a few roadtrips in our 3 years together, and I know so many more are going to come. The farthest we’ve driven so far was from our farm here in Saskatchewan, Canada all the way thru to California. We stopped in San Francisco, Monterey, Carmel by the Sea, Los Angeles, Anaheim (Disneyland) and San Diego..it was a dreamy 2 weeks for me that I think about often.
I love planning roadtrips. I love all the little stops in small, remote towns that we would have never seen before. And the food? Oh gosh, the food..sometimes its in the most unexpected places!

Last night while driving home from the field, the desire to travel crept over me once again. We are just getting in to our busy season so I know we won’t be going anywhere any time soon (unless its on a parts run!) but my gosh..I want to travel again. I need to see something new..experience something different. I’ve been seeing some beautiful photos of the Oregon coast lately via social media sites and, I have to admit, its been added to my list!! Sure I have big trips on my “Travel Bucket List”, {Ireland, anyone?!} but roadtrips truly do have my heart…
So, this Summer while I’m tending to my garden, I’ll be daydreaming about the places we should go…some day….