The other day, I picked up my camera and cruised around the farm, taking photos of anything that caught my eye. The beauty of Spring, especially in the country, is that every day brings something new and exciting. We are starting to spot baby fawns with their mommas in the field, little baby goslings learning to swim in our ponds..its so beautiful and inspiring to see!! Around the farm:

lilacs are blooming like crazy..FINALLY!! They are so beautiful and scent up the entire yard with their musty perfume. Their scent alone brings back a million memories and I am so grateful to be surrounded by them every day!

I have been reading this book every day, and am loving it! The concept of this book is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately and it is bringing a lot of thoughts and ideas to light. Can’t wait to finish it and gather my thoughts on it for you all!

Construction on the dome has slowed seeing as the weather outside has gotten better and farm duties are calling. Although I am saddened nothing has happened the last week or so I do have to admit I am loving the silence again!!

Adam & I went to the dentist last Thursday together and both had really great reviews {ie: no cavities!} but I was told all 4 of my wisdom teeth need to come out, and I’m scared to death of the surgery. The referral went out on Friday and I am expecting to have the surgery this coming Fall {boo}

My garden is thriving, but could use a little heat now with all the rain. I need to get in here desperately and weed but so far, it is still too muddy. But, so far, everything is growing!! Better than expected even!

Meet Roo – our very first rooster! The other morning, while out feeding my flock, I heard a short crow and ran to see who was the culprit. At first I wasn’t sure but then I watched Roo open her mouth and let out quite the crow!! I’m a little disappointed {I hope he doesn’t turn out to be mean with his spurs, otherwise he’ll be “set free”} but also excited to have a huge symbol of farm life right here on Cosgrove Farms!

All my chickens have happily settled in to their new home with a big open pen that allows them the breathing space they deserve. At first, when I opened their door to let them out, they were extremely hesitant and slow to move out. But now that it has been a week, they come flying out the minute their door is open, they just love it and it makes my heart swell with pride to watch them!

And then I just had to include this photo of one of my very sweet Black Australorps. I have to tell you, they are the sweeties of the bunch! They don’t run as soon as I go to pick them up and once they are in my hands, they settle down to roost in my palm and quite easily fall asleep!! Love them all so much!!
Amy Johnson - Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment. Love your story and pictures of your life on the farm. I live in farm country myself, although I’m not a farmer. I’m anxious to see what the ‘dome’ is. As far as wisdom teeth go, don’t fear. They put you to sleep, so there is really no pain. It’s more gross than anything because your mouth is full of cotton balls, and you can’t eat, and everything is swollen. That’s all.
dawn - What a fun post this, love the thought of walking along side you smelling the lilac’s, checking on the chickens, the garden all of the fun farm stuff you get to each day. We have a heat wave coming today and tommorrow so I will send some your way to help the garden.
Good luck on your wisdom teeth, great job on a good visit though!!
I love the lilac’s in this post and your newest post. Mine haven’t started blooming yet, think my hubby trimmed them to much last year. They always smell so good coming in my kitchen windows.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your day and your beautiful flowers.