Hi Friends
We had an early start to the day today, my farmer is finally undergoing ACL surgery for his left knee and we have been waiting for over a year for this day. Adam tore his ACL 3 summers ago while wakeboarding and never looked in to getting it fixed until I came along and made him realize how serious it was. Sometimes he can snap it just stepping off of a tractor and can be in pain for days!! He’s just too young for that and so I’m very thankful that we are now getting it looked after.
We needed to be at the hospital by 6 am and his surgery started at 7:45. I will be able to pick him up at 3 this afternoon and, although that is still 7 hours away, I’m so excited to see him and know that everything went well!

Lynette - Hoping and praying that it all went well and that he recovers quickly.
dawn - Hi Dawn!! I’m so glad that he will be feeling better after this surgery. I would’ve been a bundle of nerves too, doctors/hospitals are not my thing. That’s great he has you there to take care of him and encourage him to do this too. Sending prayers and hugs for you both.