we arrived home on the farm Friday evening and I can’t even explain to you how comforting it felt to pull into our yard. My dogs were happily barking and chasing our truck and I understood then how much this farm means to me. this weekend we were blessed with beautiful Spring-like weather, to which we played outside as much as we could. playing with our flock of chickens, cleaning up our yard from winter, swinging off the old tree, cooking meals on the bbq and getting my hands in the dirt to begin seeds again for this summers garden. the birds are happily chirping, the snow has almost disappeared (for now, at least) and our farm smells of musty earth and wet grass..I find myself looking for robins and meadowlarks..knowing that this could all too soon leave us for another wintry spell. but for now..I’m soaking up this sunny Spring weather. here’s a look at our weekend thru my lens..

dawn - Hello Dawn, such wonderful gorgeous and sunshine pictures/memories you have. What a way to come back home, and HOME is always so good isn’t it. I feel the same way after a vacation too. Hudson is the cutest, getting so big so fast, it’s a joy watching him grow up thru your words and lens.
YAY for digging in the dirt and spring blooms getting ready, so excited to welcome another spring. Our weekend was warm too, still too much snow to go out much but for once we didn’t have the furnace on and I wore short sleeves and didn’t need gloves on. Just those little things made my mood lighter and my smile bigger and my heart more happy.
We are planning out the garden, Rich said we may have to skip pumpkins this year, they had a hard time last year and they need the break to come back better next year. Not sure I can go without those cuties though. We will scale back a bit more this year, wanting to do more family things this summer so don’t want the garden to be more then we can give time too. I also want to do a flower patch somewhere though.
Happy almost spring Dawn!!
p.s. saw your comment on my blog, thank you for visiting. Also, cheering you on during the PL catch up, YOU CAN DO IT!! Do one week at a time and you will get there.
Have a good week xo
Linda - Oh my gosh Dawn i am in awe of your photos, simply stunning. Loved them all. Its great to go on holidays but its always nice to come home. We are going on our holidays on Monday to Penang/Malaysia for three weeks. No children. Eek Even though mine are 22 and 20 if we invite them they will always come however this time they both have work commitments so we are on our own.