Wow, how is it June already?! Spring on the farm is always so crazy busy and the days/weeks/months seem to really fly by for us! May was a busy one with seeding, yard work, gardening, road trips, getting new babies on the farm and just general living! I loved this last month but something tells me June is going to be even better!!
This week on the farm, I harvested my first batch of rhubarb from the garden and baked a cake and I don’t think it would surprise you to read that said cake is all but 10% eaten already!!

This week we finished seeding sloughs as well. We officially finished seeding last Thursday but my hubby and father in law go back after sloughs have dried up a bit more and seed them. It doesn’t yield that much but it does keep the field utilized, less weeds and looking clean and neat!

On Tuesday, I drove into the city to meet the courier for my 23 new babies..I am beyond excited for these you guys! I will have a separate post for these coming soon to explain what all I got and why 😉

We also worked away in the garden this week. I picked up 60 new strawberry plants as well as transplanted 40(isn) over from my old garden!

We also went crop checking this week and found our fields have really grown already..its so humbling to watch!

A beautiful sunset I captured this week..
and, of course, I couldn’t leave you without a picture of Hudson from this week 😉

Have a great Sunday everyone!