This was a crazy fun week for us, full of joy, excitement, emotion and gratefulness. Last weekend we were up in Calgary for a family wedding that was so much fun, I danced almost all night! The theme of the wedding was black and white and our family went all out, I loved every minute of it. I went with a 50’s diner dress that was black with white polka dots and although it was a little out of my comfort zone, I think its good to step out of that zone every once in awhile and open yourself up to new things. My hair was another story though. I went to a hairdresser, showed her a picture of what I wanted and surprise, surprise..it wasn’t even close! She backcombed it to represent Bride of Frankenstein and then left it, never even smoothed it out! It was so frizzy and I felt so uncomfortable, thinking everyone was staring and laughing at me. But, thankfully, by the end of the night (and a few libations added) I had received many compliments which helped soothe my bruised ego. What I want to remember was how much fun we had. We hung out as a family for most of the day, talking, laughing and getting ready. Between the ceremony and the reception we hung out with Adams brother and his girlfriend and took lots of photos and ate appetizers at a nearby Keg. I want to remember how thankful I felt to feel so close to my inlaws..I feel as though I’ve known them my whole life now..they truly are an extension of my family

– I want to remember Adam in his suit, getting ready for the wedding. It reminded me of our own wedding nearly a year ago and sent butterflies floating in my tummy
– I want to remember how I felt when a girl came up to me on the dance floor and complimented me on my entire look at the wedding. She said she was a photographer and wished she had all her stuff to do a shoot with me because she loved it so much. I needed to hear that so badly and it truly made my night!
-I want to remember sneaking around Sunday morning while Adam was in the shower, packing every last little thing for our secret trip to LA that afternoon
– I want to remember the car ride to the airport, when Adam still didn’t know what was about to happen
– I want to remember that, after Adam found out where we were going for his birthday, he teared up and was so touched that someone would ever do anything like that for him. It made me tear up just to realize he has no idea how much he is truly loved
– the 3 hour delay in our flight. Which left us sitting at the airport, drinking beer and noshing on nachos
-I want to remember the feel of the humidity as we landed in LA. It hit us like a brick wall and it was very, very welcome!
– I want to remember our walk thru Downtown Disney Sunday night, seeing all the glowing pumpkins from within Disneylands’ gates and walking by the exact spot where Adam proposed 1.5 years ago
– I want to remember waking up Monday morning and getting to Disneyland as soon as the gates opened so that we could take in all the sights and go on all our favorite rides before anyone else
– the sights and smells of Disneyland..the music playing everywhere you go..it truly is the happiest place on Earth!
– Walking thru Carsland for the first time. It was as though we stepped in to Radiator Springs, every detail was impeccable, nothing was overlooked
– the 105 minute wait to get on to Radiator Springs Racers..insanity!
– the chicken fried chicken at the Rainforest Cafe…OMG
– being sad that our favorite ride, Indiana Jones, was closed for refurbishing
– the new Transformers ride at Universal Studios..so cool!
– Taking the wet plunge of Jurassic Park, even though I vowed last time that I would never do it again! We were completely soaked but it wasn’t as bad as I remembered!
– I want to remember Adam waking me up on Wednesday, his birthday, with his Mickey ears on. He was vibrating he was so excited. It made me giggle as soon as I opened my eyes!
– The Mickeys Soundsational Parade on Wednesday night..once again, the details were amazing!
– Seeing the World of Color show again. I mean, you just stand there in awe. We went to that show right after getting engaged and, for that reason alone, it will always hold a special place in my heart
– Walking thru Disneyland on our last day and being so sad that our trip was already coming to an end. We had such a fun, magical time..
– Getting back in to Calgary and the cool, crisp air hitting us. Reminding us that yes, we were definitely back in Canada!
-Staying overnight at my brother in laws place so that Adam could get up in the morning and help my BIL with a few generator problems
– driving home and discussing our trip, how amazing it was, and how much fun the next few months are going to be. So busy, but so exciting!
– having supper with my family before driving back to the farm and feeling torn between my love of being home at the farm and being in the city with my family
– Coming home to collect 8 eggs a day – I’m so proud of my chickens!!
As you can see, this was a crazy week. So full of excitement and many memories to keep for years to come! This coming week I hope to settle back in to a routine, try to focus on Halloween a bit more without Christmas completely taking over my brain and doing a few projects around the house while I’m at it. Adam will be busy getting back to construction on the dome (fingers are still crossed on a March moving date!!) and we have a crazy next month up ahead! Stay tuned, can’t wait to share it all with you right here on the old blog 😉 Happy Sunday everyone!!
Kim H. - I dont comment often but I do follow you.
I had to make a moment to tell you that your hair look fantastic! Before I even knew that the picture was from a themed wedding… I thought – wow her hair looks fantastic. How did she do that? Really…. you looked great.
Dawn Cosgrove - Kim,

Thank you so much for your comment!! You truly just made my morning!! I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know! I often wonder who all stops by my little blog and I’m so glad you did
Have a wonderful Thursday