Last night I put Hudson in his exersaucer while I made his daddy’s lunch for today and I couldn’t help but notice how he quietly played with all of his toys by himself. I found myself standing in the kitchen, watching him..staring for what seemed like hours. He moved around and played with every toy so intently and made these little sounds almost as if he were speaking to them. I couldn’t help myself, I had to grab my camera and sneak a photo of him to document this moment. What I wouldn’t give to have known what was going on in his mind. I wondered if he was creating this huge world for himself and his toys, what he was doing and what he was thinking. What an amazing privilege it is to witness a child come full circle, isn’t it?
My baby is 8 months old already. The time has completely flown by. When I look at him now I sometimes don’t even see a baby anymore but a child. Full of personality with thoughts of his very own. And someday very soon, I’ll be privileged to hear his thoughts come from his very own, tiny voice.
Don’t grow up so fast my little one…be my baby as long as you possibly can…