I don’t know if its just because the end of yet another year is upon us or I’m just feeling a little nostaligic, but I have been spending some time thinking about what all has happened in 2010 and how blessed I feel for everything and everyone in my life. Yesterday I went through my day planner and wrote out everything significant that happened so that I could create a layout chronologically organizing my past year..and it was amazing! I bought a house, took a fun class with girlfriends, got published in Paper Crafts magazine for the first time, found out friends were getting married/having babies, met “The One”..the list goes on and on!
This made me realize how truly important it is to keep scrapbooking. I’ve let it slide over the years, but I would really like to keep an updated scrapbook for 2011. Every month review what all happened, create layouts for specific events, etc. Time goes by so fast now a days, and I want to remember everything I can!
With that in mind, I went to my besties’ house last night for our gift exchange with each other, as well as with my niece Makiya. We’ve done this every year, but the last three years has been even more special with the birth of my niece. Now that she is 2 1/2, she is SO much fun at Christmas and so excited for Santa (it helps that you can tell her Santa is watching when she starts pouting too!). I went home and downloading my pictures from the night on to my computer and realized I have captured a photo of her and I every Christmas since she was born..and it mystified me as to how much she has changed! And with that, I give you my 3 year Christmas with Makiya in review: