Is any one out there? It’s me..the ever neglectful blogger!! I just realized its been about 2 months since I’ve written a single word on this poor neglected portal!! But, I needed to regroup, recharge and refocus my entire personal life and I have to say that the time I’ve spent away from this crafty blog has been well worth it!
My home that I took over in April is now fully completed and screams “Me” in every nook and cranny. I’m slowly settling in and introducing myself to this beautiful home, whom I’m sure has seen many a memory in its 70 years of life. I love its bright sunny views and its creaky hardwood floors..scuffs and all

On a more personal standpoint..I am finally at peace with myself. I am happier than I ever have been and more content than I knew possible. My family is happy and healthy, my friendships and strong and supported and I have met someone who not only makes me smile at the mere mention of him, but gives me butterflies every time I even hear his voice. Life is so beautiful right now .. yes I’m feeling that cheesy lately 😉
To top it all off..its SUMMER!!! I have big plans for these next couple of months..HUGE! I’m going to act like a child again, build campfires, play hard, get a golden sun tan, go camping & fishing and eat lots & lots of popsicles 😉 I love the heat and the sun and staying outside til the last glimmer of sun has gone behind the horizon for another day..

Photo courtesy of Photobucket
I am slowly setting up my new scrap studio and when I do I have been mulling over plenty of new ideas that I will be sure to share with you..stick with me, this is going to be a beautiful summer