Hey Everyone!!

What a crazy week we have had! I feel as though we have jumped from one holiday {Halloween} straight to another {Christmas} and I think that, because there is currently no snow on the ground, I feel as though I’m celebrating a tad bit early this year, anyone else feel the same?

We have gone from bone chilling cold temperatures to light sweaters and no jackets today, the fog has lifted and it has come back..its truly an odd time, weather-wise. But, we are expecting more snow this week and something tells me it might stick around for the long haul now..winter is upon us!!
And with that, my weekly wrap up {still loving this project so much!!}
This week:
-I want to remember Hurricane Sandy. Although it did not affect us what-so-ever, I felt so connected to everyone via social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) and my thoughts go out to everyone who is struggling to recoop after the devastation that hit so many people. Its definitely something I want to add/record in my PL album!
-I want to remember the construction that happened this week in the dome. The framing on the second floor went up so quickly and it really is starting to feel like a home is coming to this empty shell. Its pretty exciting!
-I want to remember being so down on Halloween as it was my first spooky holiday at the farm and not in the city. It meant I couldn’t see my nieces while they were trick or treating, it meant I couldn’t go and get another pumpking when mine {that I had left outside} froze and turned to mush because the store was all sold out, it meant I wouldn’t see a single trick or treater come by {and trust me, that was enought to make me a little sad!}
-I want to remember Adam & I turning on Hocus Pocus and carving our pumpkins out the night before Halloween
-I want to remember roasting my pumpkin seeds and this being my first Halloween where they actually tasted amazing! I think I’ve finally figured out my technique {soak the seeds all night, then strain, lay out on a cookie sheet, sprinkle with sea salt then bake at 375 for 20 mins..YUM!}
-I want to remember baking my favorite cupcakes for Halloween and decorating them for coffee break on Halloween day. The family loved them and I reveled in every single piece!
-Speaking of which, I want to remember that, although I baked 18 cupcakes..I was able to only eat one..{yay weight loss!! haha}
-I want to remember spending Halloween night watching Practical Magic, eating pumpkin seeds, shrimp, scallops and endamame beans..aaaand now I’m hungry again

-I want to remember opening up my new holiday shop on November 1st! I worked so hard to get everything ready and was beyond excited when my first order came in from a lovely lady all the way in North Carolina!!
-I want to remember family frustrations this week. Sadness, drama..is this normal?
-I want to remember spending the day in town yesterday with my hubs, picking up lumber and building supplies for the dome,while also grabbing a few new Christmas ornaments that were freshly placed on store shelves {Christmas & Glitter = Happy Me!}
-I want to remember hearing a few friends of mine {personal & blog friends} are expecting this week, so excited for them!!
-I want to remember spending the entire day today putting up Christmas lights on the farm! It was so much fun and I was beyond grateful that Adam took the day to help me out, I loved doing this with him! This morning we put the lights up around our deck and then, this afternoon we went out to the main driveway, met up with my mother in law and took care of a few big trees using the telehandler..SO FUN! The Christmas lights are on and & twinkling tonight..it just makes me smile

-and finally, I want to remember this feeling..right now. The lights are on for the very first time tonight and it brings so much warmth and magic to the farm. I love everything they symbolize..the spirit of the season, the excitement…it makes my heart leap and it makes me giddy. Here comes the holiday season my friends…lets do this!!
Lynette - So much to be grateful for. I love these kinds of posts because it makes me ponder so many things.