Whew! Week 45, you totally blew me away! I have said it before and I’ll say it again..October-December is truly my favorite time of year and this year, is no exception! November has truly started off with a bang! It feels so full, so exciting and its as though it is just bursting with possibilities. I have loved this week and, although I’m sad to see it go, I’m really excited to move forward and see what is next!
We just came home last night from our amazing weekend in Saskatoon, so my head is bursting with knowledge and inspiration and although I will touch on this weekend here in today’s post..I have so much to say about the last 3 days that I will be doing a whole separate post for that as well! We made it to Saskatoon and back safely, which I feel very fortunate for as I just learned that another couple were not as fortunate Saturday night on a highway crossing just North of us. Our first winter storm of the season hit us pretty hard this weekend and the prairies are now covered in at least a foot and a half of snow. Visibility was extremely poor in some areas and unfortunately for this specific couple, their journey ended in a tragic head on collision with a semi. I can’t imagine what their families are going through right now and so please, take the time to think about everyone involved. And remember, drive safe everyone..winter is officially here!!

Okay..so many things I’d like to remember about this week!! Shall we begin?
-I want to remember waking up on Monday and thinking, “how is it that we have been married for a year already?” time just flew by us!! I feel blessed, humbled and grateful every single day for this man in my life..
-I want to remember driving up to Saskatoon on Friday and realizing that, one year ago, we were wandering the streets of Paris {seriously, pinch me people..it still hasn’t sunk in!}
-I want to remember driving home from the post office and chatting with my daddio about some family issues we are currently dealing with. I want to remember that I came home, let myself cry for a minute and then went on with my evening. I’m not trying to be the strong one but this is just something we have to deal with, but, I needed to let myself break down for a minute before picking myself up..its just how I deal with things, I guess!
-I want to remember driving to Montana this week and picking up some fun packages of crafty goodness that I had recently ordered for December {who knew a box of glittery goodness could make a gal so happy?}. I then proceeded to show Adam every little thing in those boxes and, not so shockingly, he wasn’t really all that interested {to his credit, he really did try! lol}
– I want to remember the fun wiener roast we had on Thursday. Sitting outside in a light jacket and enjoying the crackling fire with my husbands family…then falling asleep that night and waking up to a foot of freshly fallen snow!
-I want to remember how every single morning Adam woke me up gently, wrapped me up in blankets, told me I was the most beautiful woman in the world, kissed me on the forehead then slipped away to work while I drifted back to a most blissful sleep…every, single, morning …*sigh*
-I want to remember sitting up really late Thursday night and giddily talking about all our plans together. Making lists, making plans, growing, laughing and just all around revelling in how lucky we are
-I want to remember trying to ignore the massive amount of snow that had fallen by Friday morning because I was just that darn determined to meet Kelly Purkey {she travelled for 15 hours to be there, I figured we could drive the 4.5}
-I want to remember first meeting Kelly and totally feeling like the new kid in school. It felt like everyone knew someone at this crop but me, and those kinds of situations make me so freaking uncomfortable!! {side note: I was taken aback by how vast the age difference was at this crop full of 120 different women..and, decidely, Kelly & I were probably amongst the youngest in the group! I was kind of surprised by that}
– I want to remember our dinner date Friday night at the Samurai. It is one of those places where you sit in groups around a large grill and they cook your food right in front of you. We ordered a great tasting bottle of wine and laughed and talked all night…loved every minute of it!
-I want to remember the taste of my first Starbucks Peppermint Mocha of the season..every year I drink a sip and proclaim, “Its Christmas in a cup!”
-I want to remember getting some Christmas shopping done as well as browsing some amazing Christmas displays. I was repeatedly mentioning how much I would love it if my job was to just work on Christmas product design all year round {something to ponder} It made me want to come home and start decorating for the holidays!
-I want to remember walking in to class on Saturday and being way more at ease then I was on Friday…such a good feeling!! I was able to open up and chat with the other ladies in the room as well as answer questions about my projects that have been published in magazines, the whole experience made me feel pretty darn good 😉
*I want to remember getting a text Saturday night from my brother in law’s girlfriend….they’re engaged!!! I’m so happy for them, they are truly a great couple and I’m beyond ecstatic to finally have a sister! To complete the package, my future sister in law has a sweet 5 year old son so, now I also have a nephew..and I love them both so much!!*
-I want to remember waking up and heading out for breakfast with my cousin Tammy, whom I have always looked up to but barely get to see with so much distance between us. She lives in Saskatoon so now, every time we come in to the city, I am sure to let her know the dates so that we can always catch up!!
– and finally, I want to remember wandering the mall today before heading home and coming across DavidsTea. Now, the only reason I know about this place is thru some lovely friends on Instagram. I had no idea this place even existed in Canada so, you can imagine my surprise when I came across it! I am a huge tea drinker, I love it and am always after a cozy cup of something tasty, especially now that the temps have dropped! 30 minutes later with a bag full of goodies and a warm mug of fresh tea in my hands, I considered my world officially rocked by DavidsTea {pls…if you see it, get some..its awesome} I haven’t unpacked my purchases yet because everything is just so pretty..the colors, the typography, the packaging..gosh, good design gets me every single time!

I’m still wrapping my head around this week..it truly has just been that amazing..
I will be back this week with a personal post about this past weekend, some thoughts I’ve come away with, things I’ve learned and, of course, more Kelly Purkey class thoughts/photos! Have a great Monday everyone!!
dawn - Welcome home again Dawn!! What fun trips you’ve had lately, YIPPEEE!! I love reading this list, what a sweet husband you have! Happy Anniversary to you both! So thankful you guys made it safely, how awful for that other family.
Can’t wait to see more photos and hear more about your trip and meeting Kelly, LUCKY GIRL YOU ARE!!
I did post on my blog about your Christmas cards,hope it’s going well for you.
p.s. we put up our outdoor Christmas lights on Sunday. It was 70 and sunny so we decided to do it then instead of when the cold/snow comes. This is the earliest we’ve done them and we noticed others doing theirs too.
Can’t wait till our Thanksgiving 9 more days!!