I hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween yesterday, I know we did! Around 4:30 yesterday afternoon, Hudsons grandma came over to join us in trick or treating with Hudson. We dressed him up (below) and took him to 4 houses of our neighbours and made quick stops as it was getting to be his bed time and he wasn’t exactly thrilled about being lugged around in a costume (maybe next year?!)
Anyways..Friday was quiet but busy. Hudson woke up not feeling that great after his immunizations and was only awake for an hour before needing another nap (and nap he did! 3 hours!!) and the afternoon we played and kept busy and while he napped I prepped his halloween costumes with any work needed to be done (I couldn’t decide this year so he got 2 costumes!)
Then it was trick or treating and bed time for Mr H, we watched a couple of Halloween episodes on tv then headed to bed by 10 as we were both exhausted. No trick or treaters for us again this year…living on a farm makes that hard but I am glad we were able to get out and see the few we did!!
With that, here are some of Fridays’ photos: