Number of Photos I took on Friday: approx 50
Friday was a much slower paced day due to the weather. It has been raining non-stop, making it impossible for the boys to work in the field so yesterday we both slept in til 7:30, fed the dog and I made us a hot breakfast of porridge since we finally had the time to enjoy it! Then I headed out, rubber boots & all to check on my ever growing chicks (I seriously cannot believe how huge they are for 3 weeks old!) then splashed in some puddles with the pups on my walk back home. Its kind of weird seeing all our machinery parked in the yard in April, but I took a photo of it to document out week anyways! Then I came in, in just enough time to scoop up a few favorite kits/stamps at Studio Calico before making lunch for the boys.
Because it was raining all day, we all sat in the living room after lunch and watched “Just Go With It” on tv for a couple of hours. After they left I sat around folding laundry and doing odd errands before making them supper. After which I headed back out to clean my chicks’ brooder and checked on “Dharma” my little baby that we just found out has a crossed beak! I freaked out when Adam first spotted her and contacted the breeder who told me I might as well get rid of her as she will be a waste of feed since she’ll never get big enough to butcher/lay eggs. Obviously this lady doesn’t know me well though because no pet of mine would ever be killed just because they might be slightly defective. This check is 100% healthy, she can drink & eat and until I see her prove me otherwise – she will always have a home here..laying eggs or not!
At the end of my day, I finally took an hour to get some scrapbooking in and I chose a layout of my niece’s 1st birthday party which, yes, was almost 3 years ago..but hey, I’m getting there!!
And that was my Friday!!!
dawn - Hi Dawn,
I love hearing about your farm life day, have you seen that movie FLY AWAY HOME? It’s kinda old but so sweet. Seeing your little chicks remind me of that movie. Good for you keeping and loving the one that may not be good enough.
Great job on the angles your getting for your photos, fun to see them. We have cold temps here today that are keeping us mostly inside and being lazy. Not to many photos for the day but that’s ok.
Thanks for sharing again and for stopping by my blog. Hooray for scrapping time!!
Jennifer Levin - Hi Dawn! There are so many things I’m loving about your post today! Of course I’m loving the photos! I like all the angles, the baby chicks, and the photo of the computer. I LOVE that you’re keeping the imperfect chick, but love even more that it’s name is Dharma!
You wrote about what tv shows you were watching and I think that’s a great idea! I’m going to go back to my journaling and add in some of the favorite shows my kids are watching. Thanks so much for that inspiration!
I also love (and am very impressed by) the fact that you fit in two miles on the treadmill AND some scrapping in your day. Awesome!
Hope you have a relaxing Sunday! ~Jennifer
Cindy Welch - Love all the color in the photos