Number of Photos I took: around 50
The rain hasn’t stopped around here, stalling any chance of getting back in the field for the boys and making things slow right down even here in the yard. My Saturday was pretty relaxed, slept in til 7:30 and as soon as I stirred, Jakey was right up next to me for his morning pet. I then fed the little man before stepping on the treadmill for my 2 miles and headed out to the shop to check on my chicks..refreshed their food and water and took a few minutes to hold them all so they get used to being around humans
After lunch, I enjoyed a hot cup of tea while watching Pride & Prejudice..a sure fire way to spend a relaxing Saturday afternoon – no?
For supper, we decided to ignore the rain and bbq a couple of steaks..and it was delicious!! We had a night full of conversation and when Adam told me my chicks had been getting rowdy lately, we decided to upgrade my chicks to a bigger home because they have been growing so fast and now? They are so much happier with more space!
dawn - Hi Dawn,
Great photos and journaling for the day. Too bad about the rain, that’s no good for the farm I’m sure. Hope it clears up soon for you. Way to go on getting that 2 miles in first thing in the morning, that’ what I do also.
Sounds like the perfect rainy Saturday, warm and cozy inside with a good dinner. How cute it must be to have those baby chicks running around.
Hope you had a good Sunday. I got my haircut, the sun was out, my son had tennis so it was a good one. Haven’t painted in a few days though so my hands are itching to get messy.
This week went by fast, kinda sad it’s over.
Thanks for sharing your day with us!
dawn - I forgot to mention how pretty your window is in the second photo. What kind of house do you live in? Looks so nice in your photos.
You did great on your self timer in the first one also.