this is my 2nd post of the day. If you are looking for the week in farm photos..please scroll down!!

Ahh Saturday… November 1st. Goodbye October. Goodbye Autumn…I hear old man Winter will be coming by shortly. Talks of snow are buzzing around here..most of the leaves are gone…yes it most definitely feels like November here..
Saturday I woke up just before 6 to say goodbye to Adam before he headed out to the field for 2 full days of fieldwork, then snuggled back into bed to catch up on emails and Instagram (how I love IG in the morning!) Then it was time to get our day started..

Hudson was still asleep at 7:30 when I headed outside to watch the was below freezing outside yet so calm and beautiful

then I came inside to look over the weekend flyers and had to chuckle when I saw all the Christmas flyers…Halloween was yesterday and BAM just like that..its time for Christmas..

finally at 845 (!!!) my little man woke up and I was so excited to see his sweet face..

then I got to taking down all the Halloween decorations in our home and packing them away for another year. Our Christmas tree goes up at the end of November and usually stays up well into January but Halloween? Gone the next day..

then it was time for more morning snuggles and drinking milk in mommy and daddy’s bed while mom worked on editing photos..

and since harvest, Adam has been face timing us when he is out in the field so that he can still be a part of our daily lives. I love this photo below of hudson face timing with his daddy. The minute he sees Adam on the screen and hears his voice, he lights up and gets so excited! Love, love, love this..

and then it was time for his morning nap..which resulted in 40 minutes of him babbling to himself before finally closing his eyes..

While Hudson napped, I ran outside and took all the jack o’lanterns and pumpkins to the chickens..which they devoured!

this photo of Arnold, my rooster..makes me chuckle..

then I ran over to my inlaws’, who were having a wienie roast…YUM!! I didn’t stay though because Hudson was still napping and I needed to get home (across the driveway)

then it was time to make lunch for both myself as well as pack one for Adam in the field

after Hudson woke up, we played a little..edited a little..then headed out for a walk in the crisp afternoon air. Weather is changing in these can feel it in your bones..

after our walk, Hudson went down for his 2nd nap of the day and I got myself ready for a family session I was shooting right here at our farm. This was a first for me and I was so, so excited to shoot in my own backyard! There were a few hiccups but..lessons learned for next time indeed!

My family arrived at the farm at 4, Hudson was with his grandma and I had a blast with my session (but had to move quickly as they had a 6 month old and it was getting a bit chilly!)

after wrapping my session up, I came inside to import my photos before running over to grandmas to grab my little man. I visited with my mother in law for a few minutes but Hudson was ready to eat so home we went!!
Once home, Hudson went into his bumbo chair and I started making dinner (spaghetti), unloading the dishwasher, fed him a pouch of sweet potatoes/pumpkin/apples & blueberries..all while listening to Christmas music on my iPhone (what? its november..I’m allowed!)

I didn’t take any more photos after this. I was just kind of done for the day and wanted to enjoy my evening without constantly thinking “I should take a picture of that!”. I fed Hudson and he went down to sleep at 7, Adam arrived home at 7:15 and we spent the evening together as per usual.
and with that..we’re at Sunday!! The final day in our project and I am so excited to get everything together into an album…here’s to Sunday!
dawn - Hi Dawn!! WOW WOW WOW, these were so good and I felt like I was right there with you. LOVE the angles of these, how you got in all the shots and showing what you were doing and really told the story. AWESOME!! I need to update my phone so I can get the self timer app for mine and use it.
How many of these were with your real camera? Did you use your camera more then normal? Love the ones with Hudson in it, so nice that you can face time like that, it’s how I feel with it and Kristin.
How fast October went and how fast you pack it away, lol. I still have mine out and will add my turkey decorations to it and change out photos in the frames. But it is nice to have a free decoration house till the big holiday, I do like the break in between so we will see.
So happy you did this project and did it so well with Hudson, wish I could be there to look through the album when your done.
hugs and love dear friend
Dawn Cosgrove - Hi friend!!
Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I always look forward to reading them. The majority of my photos were taken with my big camera, I have it with me every day even without this project so I didn’t think twice about using it this week!
I do love the fact that I stuck it out for this project, especially for capturing life with Hudson. Normally I get excited for a project but it fizzles and I have nothing to show for it..but not this week! I am determined!!
I didn’t decorate much for Halloween this year so that’s probably why it was down so quickly!! I am currently clearing out our basement so that we can Reno it and I can finally set up my desk again and unpack all my craft boxes that have been left untouched for a year now. I am getting the itch to scrapbook and hate that I have no supplies or place to work! Maybe that’s why I am clearing the holiday clutter as fast as I can 😉 soon my friend and hope you are doing well!
dawn - Thanks for replying back! Always good to talk to you also.
I got out of the habit of using my camera, especially because of my computer issues, just frustrated me that I couldn’t upload them or took to long because of issues. I’ve become so stuck to my phone and using it. That’s good and not good I guess.
You got some real beauties though with yours, YAY!! So glad you did this and now have one week of Hudson captured so well. Even in a month and a few months he will be into a new phase already so you will enjoy this album. Just wait till next year at this time, running around and chatting it up with you and the chickens, lol.
Be proud of yourself, this project is a challenge and a big commitment and YOU DID IT!!
So sorry about the craft space, that is hard. I would help you if I could. maybe your mom can help you next time she comes to visit. Do a little bit each day and it will get there.
Also for now use your kitchen table for the WITL and DD till you have your real space.
Hang in there friend. Enjoy this week and putting up your lights.
p.s. I am doing my WITL in my PL but money is tight so I can’t order pictures quite yet, will soon as I can and share it then.