Tuesday was kind of, sort of..one of “those” days. I was in a mood and it was cold but not snowy and I just kind of didn’t want to document the day. But I pushed thru anyways and still captured the jist of how our Tuesday went. The morning was dedicated to cleaning, vacuuming, starting laundry and caring for baby. By one we were in our truck once again and headed to town 30 miles away for eye appts for the whole family. I am not proud to say this but, I have only been to an optometrist once in my life and I believe I was around…oh, 16?!? Yeah..I have good eyesight but I know it isn’t the same as it once was so was a tad nervous but it turns out my vision is still 20/20 (yay me!) Hudson passed his tests with flying colours as well and Adam’s astigmatism hasn’t advanced any further but we are talking about lasik now, so maybe that’ll be in the books for 2015.
Other than that, it was a pretty quiet Tuesday. On our way home from our appts we grabbed a late lunch/early supper, met a trucker down South at our bins who was picking up a load for us then headed home to build a bonfire from all the branches I had picked up over the weekend. Then it was a bath and bedtime, drink a glass of wine and watch Chicago Fire kinda night 😉
My observations yesterday were pretty clear. My house is too cluttered for my liking. We just have too much “stuff” and it calls for my immediate attention. Time to clean this house out of useless junk because a cluttered home = a cluttered mind and ain’t nobody got time for that! I am constantly taking photos of us in our environment and hating the background or the pile of papers on the counter or the box of garbage near the door..things I looked passed when I wasn’t trying to take photos in our home. But it cannot be ignored any longer.
With that, here are a few of Tuesdays photos:

all in all I am really happy with how I have been documenting this project so far and really glad that I am sticking with it (and SO excited to see it all come together in an album!) I definitely noticed that my mood yesterday is reflected in these photos…I captured our basic day and turned most of them into black and white photographs because they just felt like it fit better to me!
and now its Wednesday and I am already designing my page concepts for the album…love.this.project