Well, its Friday..only the weekend left for this project and I am enjoying it but looking forward to it coming to an end. It is a very intensive project and if you get behind uploading your photos, even if for only a day..man its hard to catch up with a baby needing you to be present at all times! I am struggling dividing up the free time I have during naps to clean/cook/do chores/edit photo sessions plus edit my own sessions. But..I am still taking photos and jotting down notes…I haven’t given up and that is huge for me!
Wednesday was kind of a mix between absolutely horrible and really relaxing and enjoyable. I woke up twice during the night to the sound of a pack of coyotes in our yard..I knew instantly what was happening and I felt so helpless at 1:00 am. I woke up to catch the sunrise and one coyote was still in the yard…I lost 9 roosters that night. I called Adam to come and shoot the one that still lingered in our yard but, after firing two shots and missing..the coyote was long gone.

So we picked him up and locked him in the coop and then went searching one last time for my remaining two. I felt hopeful but worried. Well, the golden retriever found then roosting in the trees and grabbed one…I listened in horror as he drug it away. I bawled. I was angry. But I saved the other remaining rooster and placed him in the coop as well. 10 roosters down in one day…ugh
Anyways..Wednesday…not my favourite day. But I still captured some favourite photos!!

Now Thursday…Thursday was a good day. We woke up to some delicious morning fog that I had to chase, then we snuggled up and kept warm til it was time to head to town as a family for Hudsons next immunizations (not mommy’s favourite part of the day, nor daddy or Hudsons!) Then we took off to Montana to grab our mail and even to grab lunch. (side note: we have eaten out a TON this week, which is hilarious because we NEVER do!) Then we came home and carved pumpkins..I get pretty sentimental about celebrating all of Hudson’s firsts and so excited to document some of them this week in our album!!
And so with that…here is Thursday: