Well, my weekend didn’t work out quite as planned {surprise, surprise}
I found out on Friday that my chicks never arrived {they will be here today instead} and that changed my plans for going home to celebrate Easter with my family and take part in our annual Easter egg hunt {boo!} Pretty disappointed in how things worked out but a decent weekend none-the-less. On Friday we were hit with a major snow storm that kept me inside, happily crafting away in my studio. Saturday we lived in a winter wonderland so, of course, I made sure to capture it via my IPhone for Project Life 😉 Then yesterday, Easter, was probably the weirdest Easter of my life..pretty much felt like any other Sunday (which, if you know me, you’d know that if any holiday doesn’t live up to my expectations..I am not a happy camper). Thankfully, Adam made my day as good as he possibly could! He took me for a drive to see all the baby animals that have been arriving steadily in the last few months (calves, lambs..so cute!) .. and that..was my weekend