Happy Monday Everyone!!
I had an amazing time out at the farm this past weekend and am still reeling with excitement over spending as much time as possible with my farmerWe are inseperable and I wouldn’t have it any other way!! We watched movies, cuddled, talked excitedly about our big trip that’s coming up in just 12 days and we spent a lot of time with family. In fact, yesterday my parents made the 2.5 hour trip to come to the farm, meet the parents, see the new dome home in construction, broke some bread and shared a few laughs. It was amazing to see my family at the farm..an amazing feeling of joy filled me while looking at our two families as they came together. My two worlds have finally collided! The.Perfect.Weekend!
Unfortunately the drive home was less than favourable and the side road that gets us from the farm to the main #1 highway was a skating rink! I drove 60 km/hr on a road that usually sees me double that! And I was so thankful that my parents were right behind me, every step of the way! But, we made it home..safe and sound and thats all that matters!!
I have pictures on my camera that have yet to be downloaded on to my computer, so words will just have to do my experience justice for now!!
Other than that, I am busy working away at paperwork and deadlines that need to be completed before we take off next weekend and catch myself dreaming of warmer weather, which is just around the corner! With that, I will leave you with this beautiful photograph I found here:

Happy Monday and Happy Crafting Everyone!!