Yup, we had our anatomy scan last Thursday and the evidence of our little boy was VERY clear…we have a son on the way!!

I have had a gut feeling for quite some time now that this little one in my tummy was a boy. I had been saying since we found out that we were expecting that I wanted it to be a girl but I have to admit, when they told me it was a boy and I watched him on that ultrasound screen….a girl couldn’t have been farther from my mind. I was just so overwhelmed with gratitude that he is a healthy baby. The technician went thru all his vital organs and showed me the chambers of his heart, his kidneys, etc and he was given a clean bill of health….and I thought to myself..”I did it!” Those first few months of pregnancy are vital to the development of your little one and I have to admit, its the biggest feeling of accomplishment I have ever felt!

They say that sometimes a baby will not cooperate with the ultrasound to reveal their gender. But, because this is my husbands son (hehehe) as you can see from the above photo..that was no problem. There he was, legs wide open to reveal to anyone who cared that he was, in fact, a boy.
Now of course I have my worries like, changing diapers and how to deal with those parts (I have nieces..thats all) but I trust in myself enough to know those things will arise and I will be able to figure it out, especially with my husband by my side!
As this is the first baby for us and for both of our families, its truly an exciting time. Everyone is overjoyed with a healthy baby on the way and the soon to be daddy and grandpa, of course, are overjoyed for a new little farm boy to have grow up here on our farm. Its a time of joy and gratitude and I cannot fully explain how overwhelmed I am with emotions and thankfulness.
His kicks have gotten stronger, somedays painfully so! But when I am lying down at night, before I fall asleep, I feel his kicks and I start to smile with this thought..
” I have a son…”
Last night hubby worked late in the field harvesting mustard and when he came in, I was already in bed reading. He started telling me about his day and his son started going crazy in my belly. I told Adam the baby obviously recognizes his voice already and I’ll tell you what, I’ve never seen that man so full of pride! He is going to be an amazing daddy to this boy, I knew it way before our son was even a thought but these past 5 months have confirmed every notion. Last Monday night was the first time he got to feel a kick from the outside and every morning and every night, he places a hand on my belly to feel them again. When he leaves in the early morning light for the field, he always kisses me good morning and now, for the last 5 months, he also kisses my belly and tells the baby how much he loves us both. Its a dream for this girl…an absolute dream!
So here we are…about to embark on Week 23 of our pregnancy. Things are getting real and they are definitely getting exciting! Cannot wait for Fall to come and cool this mommy to be off but also, these next 4 months are my favorite months of the year so I say, bring ’em on! Happy weekend everyone!