My ‘Week 45; What I Want to Remember’ post may be up a little later than usual this weekend as we are off to Saskatoon today for what I’m anticipating to be an amazing, memory filled 3 days. This week so far has been amazing, our 1st wedding anniversary was Monday, we have had some major progress on the house, Adam has surprised me more than once this week..and, as if it couldn’t get any better..we are off to drive 4.5 hours to stay at this beautiful hotel..

honestly, isn’t it gorgeous..
Last time we were here (January) we were in Saskatoon for a farm show..but this time, we’re here more for me. Because I get to meet an idol of mine, I get to meet this girl:

Yup, I’m attending Crop & Create: Saskatoon and attending a couple of classes taught by the Kelly Purkey..yup, that one. If you can’t tell, I’m ridiculously excited for this. In fact, when I first read Kelly’s blog this past Spring when she announced her upcoming classes, I am pretty sure I squealed a little and scared my hubby. And I remember that day distinctly because I read it while sitting on the sprayer with my farmer in a field out in the sticks. And when I told Adam about it and he agreed that we would go, I squealed again..
I have loved Kelly’s work for a few years now..her work is amazing and every time I stop by her blog I’m inspired. Her talent is effortless and now that she has struck out on her own with an amazing line of stamps, I’m 100% behind her! I love what she comes up with every.single.release! And her first book {above} was just released last week..please, please go and check it out! I have studied it from cover to cover and walked away feeling ready to take on my stack of photos waiting to be scrapbooked.
So yes, I’m beyond excited for this amount of snow could keep me away! And the best part? I have 2 classes, one tonight and one tomorrow night..and the rest of the time I get to hang out with my hubby and do whatever we want in the city {you can bet a stop or two at Starbucks for my first Peppermint Mocha in a red cup of the season will be on my list}This is going to be a weekend for the books folks, I can feel it already!
dawn - How exiting for you and what a great trip for your anniversary!!