dawn-WOW, it looks GREAT!! I’m so happy for you and having fun in your garden. Ours cukes only did ok. We love our corn though, gotta have the corn. My hubby would harvest only corn if that’s all he could have, saw your previous post on Sunflowers. HE LOVED LOVED ThAT FIELD!! How gorgeous they all looked togehter, standing proud. LOVe seeing you share this part of your life, how awesome it would be to live by all this beautiful nature, ENJOY IT!!ReplyCancel
Dawn Cosgrove-Hi Dawn! Thanks for stopping by today my corn was planted late then replanted so I haven’t had any yet but it’s coming! I really didn’t think these cukes would grow as well as they have but they taste amazing!! Yes, I’m in all of my glory surrounded by all of this..harvest time is most beautiful!ReplyCancel
dawn - WOW, it looks GREAT!! I’m so happy for you and having fun in your garden. Ours cukes only did ok. We love our corn though, gotta have the corn. My hubby would harvest only corn if that’s all he could have, saw your previous post on Sunflowers. HE LOVED LOVED ThAT FIELD!! How gorgeous they all looked togehter, standing proud.
LOVe seeing you share this part of your life, how awesome it would be to live by all this beautiful nature, ENJOY IT!!
Dawn Cosgrove - Hi Dawn!
my corn was planted late then replanted so I haven’t had any yet but it’s coming! I really didn’t think these cukes would grow as well as they have but they taste amazing!!
Thanks for stopping by today
Yes, I’m in all of my glory surrounded by all of this..harvest time is most beautiful!